Bognor Football Club Planning Application BR/236/24/PL

Our local football club has submitted an application for an artificial pitch. However, buried in the detail of the application they state their intention to become a football academy which would mean the site would be in constant use between the hours of 0800 to 22.00 weekdays and 08.00 to 18.00 hours at weekends.

We are urging our residents to object to the above application on the basis of: 

Light Pollution
Noise Pollution
Environmental Protection
Traffic Noise / Parking / Road Pollution

If the application goes through, then the floodlights will be on until 10pm every weekday. 

We will also be subjected to an increase in noise from the site in general if it is in constant use. 

We also have concerns that the plastic debris created as the artificial pitch will be allowed to just ‘run off’ into the surface water drainage system, thus polluting our environment with microplastics. 

The site only has 46 parking places. If the application is approved, then there will be a significant increase in on street parking on Nyewood Lane and that surrounding roads. 

The application already has many letters of support, as the BTFC published an appeal for support on its website. However, the vast majority of those supporting the application live many miles away and will not have to live with the consequences if it is approved. 

We will. Us local residents will bear the burdens of noise, light, and air pollution resulting from this commercial venture. 

Please visit and search for application BR/236/24/PL and ‘Enter Comment’. 

Please inform as many neighbours that you can. Comments close on 10.1.25 

Residents Survey

Survey for Bognor Regis Residents.

We would like your determination on the following question please as we will be looking to seek clarity on some of the wording of ADC’s local plan.

The question is:

Thinking about where you live if Arun District Council referred to something happening in a ‘particular area’ what would be your interpretation of particular area?

Please use the contact form to the right and enter your perception / determination in the ‘Your Message’ box.

Thank you for your participation. Once we have results we will publish our onward communication with ADC.

The Committee

8 bed HMO 17 Nyewood Lane

The application AW/240/20/PL for an 8 bed HMO 17 Nyewood Lane is to be considered by the ADC planning committee on 6.1.21.

As this would represent yet another HMO in Bognor Regis which already has over 74% of all the HMO’s licenced by ADC. See an hmo-map-for-bognor-regis for full details.

Astonishingly this application has been recommended for approval by planners despite seemingly failing on a number of areas within the local plan.

We suggest that residents email the members of the planning committee with their thoughts ahead of the decision day.

Their email addresses are as below:

If you have any comments you wish to make to us you can do so by clicking here

Detached garage with 1 No. flat above in Richmond Avenue

We are looking for residents thoughts on this application BR/221/20/PL for a Detached garage with 1 flat Richmond Avenue

It represents yet another flat in Richmond Avenue which has seen almost of it’s entire housing stock converted from semi detached houses to flats and HMO’s over the years.

We would be grateful for comments from residents as comments on this application have to be submitted before 10.1.21

Any comments can be sent to us on our contact us page.

Update on Block of Flats planned for Richmond Avenue

On 23.12.20 we received notification from the planning department at ADC that the planning application BR/176/20/PL for a block of flats in the grounds of Ravenna, Richmond Avenue West have been refused.

Once again our remarks were cited in the officers report and the committee would also like to thank Cllr Matt Stanley for agreeing with and supporting our postion.

If you are aware of a planning application that you would like us look into please Contact Us

Bognor Regis HMO map

Further to the concern raised by the application for a 38 bed HMO at the Aldwick Care Home at 41 – 45 Nyewood Lane we approached ADC with a Freedom of Information request for a comprehensive list of all currently licenced HMO’s in any postcode beginning PO2*, covering Bognor Regis and the surrounding area, 99 HMO’s in total.

The information provided was then converted into a Bognor Regis HMO map so the proliferation of HMO’s in Bognor Regis compared to the surrounding area is visibly clear. It represents all the HMO’s licenced by ADC in the PO20, PO21 & PO22 postcodes along with the rough boundary of ADC’s jurisdiction to highlight the over concentration in Bognor Regis.

Click here to view the Bognor Regis HMO map

It can be viewed / downloaded as a PDF here

By contrast there are only 34 HMO’s in the postcodes BN16 & BN17.

Click here to view the Bognor Regis & Littlehampton Combined HMO map.

The Arun Local Plan States under section 12.5 Houses in multiple occupation

12.5.1 In providing for the housing needs for Arun, it is important to ensure that mixed and balanced communities are developed so that situations where existing communities become unbalanced by the narrowing of household types towards domination by a particular type, such as shared housing, are avoided.

We believe the clustering of HMO’s on the maps for both Bognor Regis and Littlehampton demonstrate that section 12.5.1 has not been observed by ADC.

From the information provided by Arun District Council Bognor Regis now has 74% of all HMO’s licenced by them. A balanced distribution would roughly be 67 in PO20, PO21 & PO22 and 66 in BN16 & BN17.

The chances are that there are also many more properties being used as unlicenced HMO’s in our neighbourhood.

Did you know….

It is a criminal offence to operate a licensable HMO without a valid licence and landlords may face prosecution, receive a Civil Penalty Fine or a reduced licensing period in consequence of any breach found.

ALL properties must meet the required standards for Houses in Multiple Occupation as outlined in the ADC’s HMO Standards March 2019

Representatives from the Council will be proactively seeking out HMOs within the district.

If you suspect an HMO is operating without a licence or are concerned about the standards of an HMO, please contact ADC’s investigation team via:

Email: or by calling Arun Direct on 01903 737755

In the event you do report a suspected unlicenced HMO we have been asked by Bognor Regis Town Council that you also make them aware of the property you have reported on 01243 867744 or by

If you wish us to make representations on your behalf to ADC please fill in the form to the right.

We will be forwarding this post to both BRTC and ADC.

1.5.20 Planning Application for Aldwick House Care Home Nyewood Lane

Update 15.6.20

The application has been refused by ADC. We would like to thank Matt Stanley and Jim Brooks for their efforts in protecting our community. Read the full post below.

We are actively opposing the planning application BR/86/20/PL for the disused Aldwick House Care Home, 41-45 Nyewood Lane, Bognor Regis, PO21 2SJ for change of use to a 38 bed HMO (House of Multiple Occupation) for up to 52 persons.

We have lobbied the Bognor Regis Town Council Planning Committee, Arun District Council Planning as well as the local ADC councillors Jim Brooks and Matt Stanley as well as the local press and Nick Gibb MP.

Current comments and the opportunity to comment yourself can be accessed by clicking on the ADC Planning Portal

Closing date for comments is 5.6.20.

A list of other people and organisations you can make representations to can be viewed here.

If you would rather we commented on your behalf let us know using the comments form on the right of this page.